本論文以中國文學中的桃花為研究對象,探討桃花在文學中所呈現的多樣意涵;隨著朝代的輪替、社會思想的演變,桃花的演變過程;還有古代文人們受到桃花文化的薰陶時的反映,其間的思想脈絡及其帶給人們的多樣改變等問題。 桃花文化以文學形式來說,融雜了多種文學的特質,有詩歌的抒情方式,有散文的敘事特色,更有小說對人物塑造、性格特性描寫的特性,它所呈現出來的文學樣貌是多元的。從桃花意象的領域研究,即可看見整個中國文化的反映,也可以看到它對中國文學的多方面貢獻。 雖然歷經三千多年的文學流變,舉凡詩、詞、曲、賦、小說、散文等均有桃花的蹤跡,但這些都僅散見於歷代文學家的創作中,並未有人加以綜合整理。本論文擬將桃花文化作一個有系統完整的整理與歸納分析。希望對於桃文化的發展以及它所呈現出來的意涵有更多的了解。 Thesis is as Chinese literature center peach blossom for research object. Peach blossom has multiple meaning literatures, such as dynasty evolution, society thought. Peach blossom's development has great influence for the Chinese culture. It not only reflects the ancient time in china but also the various images of Chinese people. Peach blossom culture can be considered as literature form. It included prosy narration, novel and poetry. According to the peach blossom image's domain research, the readers can have better understanding for the complete Chinese culture. Also, the peach blossom has great contribution to China culture. Obviously, the peach blossom showed up in many kinds of literature in China. However, the analysis of the peach blossom has neglected for the past 3,000 years. This thesis intended to draw on the integral collation and general analysis of the peach blossom culture.