Abstract: | 摘 要 中國在邁向近代化的進程中,女性地位的提升與否是一個足資參考的指標。晚清女性意識的覺醒所帶來的影響,至今仍具有深刻的意義。近代婦女運動史上 ,秋瑾曾寫下輝煌的一頁,具有不可忽視的地位。她是一個革命家,同時也是詩人、詞人,雖然文學的創作一向不是她刻意經營的項目。以往對於秋瑾的研究,往往傾向於泛政治化的解讀,突顯她的女性革命家色彩。本文嘗試以文學家的角度解讀秋瑾,探討她在文學性特強的文類----詩詞之中,如何彰顯她的女性意識。第一章緒論,說明本文的研究動機與目的,研究範圍與研究進路,並對秋瑾作品的版本與流傳進行梳理,與秋瑾相關的研究概況也略作說明。第二章秋瑾的生平考述,分別以家世背景、婚姻狀況、朋友交遊、革命事業四方面彰顯秋瑾的生平,了解她從一個閨閣女子走向女革命家的心路歷程。第三章討論秋瑾詩詞作品的題材與主題。題材分為主觀心情與客觀景物、個人理想與社會現實、人我之間往來酬贈、家庭婚姻的深刻感觸等四大類,並歸納題材所產生的主題,畫分成三大方向論述,分別是英雄的自我角色認同、渴望知音的精神交流與對家國的終極關懷 。秋瑾濃厚的英雄色彩,實為貫穿其詩詞的中心主題,日後的變裝與革命全都依此開展。第四章討論其詩詞形式與風格問題,特畫分出歌行體,深入探究此一呼應詩界革命之詩歌在形式上的特色,再以綜合內在與外緣因素,討論秋瑾詩詞風格的轉變。第五章是秋瑾詩詞在文學史上的影響,她的詩與詞都擴大了女性詩、詞的內容,反映女性參與社會變革的面貌。以同時代而言,她的革命詩也影響了南社的女詩人。第六章為本文結論。作為一個女革命家,秋瑾跨越傳統女性職別,成為一位與時代同步前進的新女性,作為女性文學中的一份子,她的書寫展現高度的女性意識與志士情懷,呈現了女性由內而外、從舊到新、個人到家國不同層次的內容,並在詩歌體裁的革新上呼應時代潮流。 Abstract The ascent of female status is a distinctive index when we ponder the process of modernization of China. The influence brought by the arousal of female consciousness in the Late Ching Dynasty is still huge now. Chiu Chin is indispensable in the history of modern woman's movement. She was not only a revolutionary but also a poet, although she did not manage to devote herself to creation of literary works. Previous researches focused on pan-political interpretations, emphasizing her role as a female revolutionary. The research focuses on interpretating Chiu Chin as a literary giant, discussing how she manisfested her female consciousness in her poetry and verse. The first chapter accounts for the motivation, purpose, domain and method of this research. The organization of texts and circulation of Chiu Chin works and the summary of researches on Chiu Chin are presented. The second chapter explores Chiu Chin's life. It is constructed repectively from four aspects︰her family background, marriage, friendship and revolutionary business. Her mental process from a maiden to a female revolutionary is also expressed. The third chapter discusses the subjects and topics of Chiu Chin poetry and verse. The subjects are divided into four categories︰subjective mood and objective scenery, personal ideals and social reality, interpersonal relationship, and emotions of marriage and family. The topics are categorized as three aspects︰the self-orientation of the role as a hero, the thirst for spiritual communication of intimate friends, and the ultimate concern about home and country. The theme though all of Chiu Chin's literary works is her personal heroism, which contributes to the later transvesting and revolution. The fourth chapter discusses the form and style of Chiu Chin's poetry and verse, among the features of Gehsingti are closely examined, which responds to the revolution of poetry. The transition of fashion of Chiu Chin's poetry and verse is also discussed through the combination of external and internal factors. The fifth chapter discusses the influence of Chiu Chin's poetry and verse in the history of literary. Her literary works expanded the contents of female works of poetry and verse, revealing female involvement in social reform. Her recolutionary poetry also influenced the contemporary poets of Nan She. The sixth chapter is conclusion. As a female revolutionary, Chiu Chin crossed the boundary of traditional woman, synchronizing with the times. As a female literate giant, she expressed high female consciousness and mood of ideal people, and feminacy and martialism. She represented contents of different levels of women from internal to external, old to new, individual to country, responding to the trend in the innovation of prose style. |