北宋末期知名於時的禪僧釋惠洪(1071-1128),他以禪宗僧侶的身分卻具有高度士大夫化的言行舉止,引起批評。《冷齋夜話》就是他仿效文人所著作之筆記,其爭議性亦不遑多讓。此書貶多褒少、傳統目錄學上的歸類混淆、多論蘇黃之言等,皆不利於其後續的研究。雖然近來惠洪逐漸引起注目,但論述的重心多以惠洪或「文字禪」或片段性的詩歌理論為主。針對《冷齋夜話》作全盤性與專門性的研究者,實屬少見。因此本文在研究方法上採取異於其他研究者的進路,先以「筆記」為範疇作專書性、規範化與科學化的綜理,再粹取其文藝思想。肯定其在詩話文評與筆記小說,橫跨集部與說部兩方面的表現。落筆重心不僅包括文學理論、文學批評,還涉及較少人談論的筆記小說創作等。進而探索其文藝思想的特質為何?與宋代文學主流江西詩派以及「以禪喻詩」的異同。研究過程中發現,當宋代捲起一片「以禪喻詩」的風潮時,惠洪文藝主張有其特殊之處。除了同樣以禪學「游戲三昧」與思維模式運用於文藝美學,另一方面又顯示惠洪異於宋代以禪論詩觀點,在於他極力吸收儒家傳統文學觀的努力。在專書化、學科化與去蕪存菁的結果,確實展現了此書「如酸漿滴入」,可歷世傳之無窮的獨特魅力。 Huihong (1071-1128 A.D) was a controversial Buddhist monk in late Northern Song Dynasty. As a famous Zen master who was versatile in literature, he was always criticized by his literati and officialdom(in feudal China) behaviors. “Leng Zhai Ye Hua”(《冷齋夜話》) was a note written by his imitating literati at that time. It was much controversy too. This note was disadvantageous of its studying because of three points as follow: being belittled more than praized, confused on traditional bibliography in its categorization and highly repeated Sushi and Hung Tingjian’s words. Although the amounts of researches about Huihong were increasing recently, they were still mainly talked about his Zen words(文字禪) or a part of his poetry theory. There were quite few researchers who studied Huihong’s note in overall and professional point of view. Therefore the research method in this article at first was to focus on the note with its specialized, standardized and scientific parts. The second step was to take its trend of literary and artistic thought to affirm Huihong’s achievement in poetry criticization and note novels. What mentioned in this study included not only his literature theory, literature criticism, but also note novels which people were rarely to talked about, creation and so on. Then the study intened to explore what his literary and artistic thought was in adventure. In the processing of this study ,it was found that there were special points of view in Huihong’s literary and artistic thought, while”Explain Poetry in Zen”(以禪喻詩)was more and more popular in Song Dynasty. The difference between Huihong and other writers influenced by popular Zen Poetry in Song Dynasty was that he tried to give effort to absorb the Confucianists traditional literature point of views.