為了解高鐵振動對於沿線產業專用區之影響,對距離高鐵較近之產業專用區(新竹、雲林),有必要於相鄰之車站路段進行振動傳遞影響之研究,所得之研究資料亦可作為產業專區廠商設廠評估及高鐵沿線未來開發利用之振動影響評估參考。高科技廠房中生產線上各項設備對振動有相當的敏感性,不論是來自於周遭環境振動、施工振動、車輛振動與人員活動等,都可能影響產品的良率。對振動敏感的產業包括:電子晶圓廠、高能物理研究室等。針對廠房在新建前對工址進行之相關現地試驗進行說明,其中所包含之實驗項目計有:環境微振動試驗、地層波速試驗、土層振動衰減試驗等。本研究將使用適當之振源如EWG (Elastic Wave Generator,彈性波產生器)與Minivib振動車,配合環境微振動實驗與反射震測。對高鐵沿線新竹、雲林等各車站路段環境振動特性與距離衰減模式研究與分析。透過現地實驗觀察,瞭解地層波傳特性,以驗證理論分析之準確性與校正相關參數,作為修改分析模型,然後建立合理數值模型,供有關單位參考應用。 To investigate the influence of vibration induced by passing train, is not handled with care, on the environment of high-tech industry parks nearby the stations of Hsin-Chu and Yun-Lin and inhabitation along the line. As known, the geological conditions are the key factors about the wave transmission and energy attenuation. This research has been conducted by a series of numerical analysis and field experiments, including wave attenuation with different sources, ambient vibration, in addition to the in situ background microtremor of Hsin-Chu and Yun-Lin stations. Based on the results of field survey, it might infer a platform for evaluating the accuracy of theoretical analysis and also for adjusting the required parameters in numerical modeling for study the vibration problem on other local regions accompanied by high speed rail system in future application. 研究期間:9107 ~ 9206