關於蒲松齡的《聊齋誌異》探討,已有不少學者投入相當的心力進行相關研究,本論文主要在前人的基礎上,運用文獻分析法以及文學、生理和心理學的觀點論述主題,主要探究時代與地理環境對蒲松齡寫作的影響,分析由時空所架構出來的社會網路,對蒲松齡寫作《聊齋誌異》產生的影響;特別是明清的學術與時代風氣的轉變、其故鄉淄川風土和南游寶應對蒲松齡產生的文化記憶和心理認知。其次是士商家庭對蒲松齡的信仰與思想的影響,以及此影響在《聊齋誌異》中的顯現;並可見儒家理性思維和商人迷信思想兩者交疊出蒲松齡在《聊齋誌異》中鬼魅形象的紀實與虛構以及在文化空間中集體意識的展演。 作為科舉場中的失意者,蒲松齡對父權社會中被視為第二性的女性、同性戀者、清初的遺民和在盛清時期才權女性出現而男權退讓的情形,有著特別的觀察:在社會規範和期望下,這些群體的心理和意識被強迫內化,成為長期失語的無言者。蒲松齡理解抑鬱不能一吐塊壘的「孤憤」,和他一般「不能言說」的人自然將引起他的目光,因此蒲松齡為之發聲,展演成《聊齋誌異》中一篇篇關於創傷記憶、性別意識以及遺民情懷的靈異傳說,來操演鬼魅的形象,在虛實之中表現他所謂的「孤憤」之情。 This essay investigates the two factors, historic and geographical backgrounds, in the content of Strange Tales of Liaozhai written by Pu Sungling The methodology used is literature analytic method via the concepts of literature, physiology, and psychology. The research will look into the issue through two discussions. First, the analysis of the social network structured under the historic background, especially the trend transition of the academic field during the Ming and Qing dynasty, the influences of natural conditions and social customs of Sungling’s hometown Tzu- Chuan (淄川), and the cultural impacts of his journey to the southern region Pao-ying(寶應). Second, the analysis of the author’s family background which combined the rationalism of Confucians and the superstition of the thereupon merchants. As a failure under the imperial examination system, Pu had special observation on those mute suppressed people who suffered the alike depression such as females under the patriarchy, the homosexual, and the people of Ming who witnessed the dynasty change under the rule of Qing. Bearing such depression and loneliness, Pu Sungling worked on Strange Tales of Liaozhai composing of ghost tales and goblin anecdotes to vent his true feelings inside and to speak up for those disadvantaged minorities.