由於衛星的觀測範圍廣闊,且具有較佳的觀測週期與資料一致性,除可提供海洋或人煙罕至地區的訊息,增加氣象資料之內容及範圍外,對於颱風或豪大雨之監測,以及數值天氣預報之初始資料,亦提供了相當大的幫助。因此,衛星資料之研究應用已日益普及,範圍亦日漸廣泛,如颱風參數及豪大雨之估算、大氣環境及地球環境變遷之監測等等。其中衛星資料在水氣含量、颱風參數及豪大雨計算之應用研究已日趨成熟,且頗具成果。台灣地區近年來受到異常天候之影響,發生了多次極端降水之情形,引發之土石流所造成的慘重災情,帶來了國家社會之重大問題。為使社會大眾能進一步了解極端降水,本計劃藉由簡單的人造衛星特性介紹,配合基本而易懂的遙測原理之描述,且透過相關個案之分析,編撰成人人易懂之通識刊物。期能藉由刊物及教材之傳播,有效地建立社會大眾在衛星監測水氣、颱風及豪大雨的認知,使大家均能透過衛星之監測,瞭解雨水在哪裡,以及應有之警戒,進而預作防災應變措施以減輕災情。因此,本計劃之主要目標為編撰專業且普及之『衛星監測-雨水在哪裡』教材,促使社會大眾明瞭雨水在哪裡,災害會在哪裡,以降低災變之損傷,而減少了國家社會之重大問題。 Typhoons and heavy rainfalls, and the following debris flows are the most terrible and frequent nature disasters to Taiwan, especially in recent years. For monitoring these disasters, satellites have been employed because of their good observation capacity. The satellite remote sensing for monitoring or warming of typhoons, heavy rainfalls and debris flows will, must and actually has already become an important direction to reduce the property and life lost. This project is to edit a popular science book to introduce satellites, remote sensing, extreme rainfall conditions, typhoons, heavy rainfalls, debris flows, etc, to let people can know where is the water forms come from and the applications of satellite remote sensing, so that people can know the relationships between severe rainfalls, debris flows and us. 研究期間:9203 ~ 9212