摘要: | 本計畫之主要目標為應用目前的衛星資料與遙測技術估算大至台灣全島,小至局部森林地區的資訊,預期於短時間內提供台灣地區森林之面積、偵測地區性森林之變遷、甚至辨識區分森林之種類等潛能,除在經濟效益與時效性上有相當程度的改善外,亦提供了目前偵(監)測森林異常變化之最佳利器.此外,正當全球重視森林資源與二氧化碳排放問題的同時,如能精算我國的森林面積及變化情形,不但可掌握二氧化碳的排放權,甚至還有利可圖,對國內森林資源的開發與應用有莫大的幫助. (一) 建立不同衛星資料(AVHRR、SPOT HRV與VI、MODIS)估算植被指數的方法. (二) 建立不同植被指數計算(NDVI、AFRI、AVRI)方法及比較其在台灣地區使用上的優劣. (三) 建立台灣地區各月份,各季節公里級的植被指數資料庫. (四) 台灣地區森林面積變異計算監測模式之建立. (五) 評估衛星資料在森林分類。 Project objectives: Conventional means of estimating the area and growth of forestlands and farmlands in Taiwan has not only been expensive, but also time-consuming. This has been especially difficult as the area of Taiwan is narrowly shaped, and the terrain and land cover is both considered complex. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to develop methods that are suitable in the estimation and monitoring of the forests around Taiwan through the utilization of remote sensing technology. The project hopes to assess the applicability of using satellite data in forest classifications and crop yield estimations, and if possible, develop the technology into a real-time basis. As more attention is being paid on the global emission of CO2, new rules have been implemented regarding the amount each country can release, which depends primarily on the area of forestland a country owns. If we can keep a close eye on the changes of our forests, we can be in accordance with the emission protocols, and perhaps even obtain some profit. This would be of tremendous help to the development and application of Taiwan's forest resources. Project structure: In order to obtain the goals mentioned above, the primary task for this year will include the collection of satellite data that provide extensive coverage from AVHRR and SPOT-4 VI, and also high-resolution images from SPOT HRV. With the acquired data, there are three aspects to achieve: (1) Determination and correction of the influence on the vegetation index from different satellite observational angles. (2) Assessment of the forest land calculations, and conducting improvements of the models used. (3) Testing and analysis of satellite data in forestland classification and crop land estimation. Anticipated results: (1) The completion of a vegetation index database for each respective month and season of Taiwan. (2) The development and improvement of models in forest land estimation and changes. (3) Understanding how the terrain affects remote sensing retrievals of the vegetation index. In addition, obtaining analytical results made on forestland classifications and cropland assessments, which can be used for future researches. 研究期間:9201 ~ 9212 |