中華衛星二號即將於2003年年底發射,而其上最主要的裝載儀器為資源遙測應用的高解遙測儀器(Remote Sensing Instrument; RSI),一般輻射觀測資料要能充分發揮其實際的應用功能,其絕對輻射值的準確與否將扮演極重要的角色,因此高解遙測儀器升空後首先面臨的問題即為絕對輻射觀測的校正。本研究計畫的目的即針對絕對輻射校正的需求,研究規劃適用於華衛二號遙測儀器在軌道上的絕對輻射觀測資料校正方法和實施程序,以期未來華衛二號衛星之高解遙測觀測資料能維持在一定程度的輻射準確度範圍之內。本研究計畫將參考國內外目前已使用在其他衛星之絕對輻射校正方法,分析其在華衛二號遙測儀器上實施絕對輻射校正之可行性與優缺點,並綜合分析台灣地區各相關適合之輻射校正場址,研擬未來華衛二號遙測儀器實際輻射校正的處理方法與程序,以期未來儀器升空後能隨時維持一定水準的絕對輻射觀測值準確度,發揮其在實際應用上的最大效果。此外,本研究在衛星升空前,將以實際野外地面輻射儀器量測資料,配合不同大氣狀況,模擬華衛二號各遙測頻道的輻射觀測值,以為研發規劃未來升空後處理程序的應用參考。 The ROCSAT-2 satellite will be launched during about the last two month of 2003. The main observing instrument housed in this satellite is the high spatial resolution remote sensing instrument (RSI). In general, if the radiation observations of RSI will keep in attracting the scientists or applicants to use them, the accurate of their absolute observing radiances will play a key role. The purpose of this research project is aimed at the necessity of absolute radiance calibration of RSI data to study the suitable calibration algorithm and procedure of ROCSAT-2 RSI data observed in-orbit. That is, maintaining ROCSAT-2 RSI observing data within an accurate range will be the main work of this research.Those absolute radiance calibration methods applied in other similar spacecraft sensors now and before will be chosen as candidate algorithms. These candidate algorithms will be analyzed about their excellence and applicability in the absolute radiance calibration of ROCSAT-2 RSI. After combining with the consideration of surface radiance calibration site, the best absolute radiance calibration algorithm and procedure will be chosen for ROCSAT-2 RSI application in the future. Besides, field measurements of radiation using surface radiation instruments on different canopies and atmospheric conditions for the bands similar to ROCSAT-2 RSI will be taken to simulate the radiance observations of ROCSAT-2 RSI in this research. And these simulate data will be used to test the atmospheric correction model of ROCSAT-2 RSI. 研究期間:9207 ~ 9307