大陸地區沙塵暴常發生於冬春季寒冷乾燥之天候,發生地點則常在西北沙漠或黃土高原區。而在適當的天候條件下,地面所捲起之沙塵往往隨氣流往東亞下游地區傳送,造成下游地區極大的災害,而在強烈冷氣團或鋒面之牽引下,亦常有影響台灣空氣品質的情況產生,甚者更有泥雨的現象和其它有礙民眾生活品質與健康的不良環境產生。一般對沙塵暴之監測往往以地面觀測站為主,雖然可以達到準確量測之目的,但因其為點的觀測,所以一般均需輔以大量觀測站之建立,否則甚難達到全面監控之目的。而基於此目的,衛星與雷射雷達(光達)即可扮演此方面監測的優勢。由於衛星在高時、空解析上之優點,因此可以在大陸沙塵暴產生之後即迅速掌握其發生地點與傳送路徑,甚且可以量測其光學厚度值。因此衛星監測可說極為有效之利器,能在大陸沙塵暴之監測上扮演前鋒的角色。而由於一般之觀測均只能有點或氣柱內沙塵暴之觀測資訊,因此能夠探測沙塵垂直剖面分佈之雷射雷達即可發揮其特殊的功能,能使研究應用人員瞭解大陸沙塵暴之垂直結構。本研究計畫即基於衛星與雷射雷達之特殊功能,規劃對大陸沙塵暴監測之目標,期能使台灣地區在受大陸沙塵暴影響下,先期瞭解其發生地點、狀況,和其往東亞下游地區移動之路徑與變化,以及觀測其在影響台灣時之沙塵垂直分佈狀況,提供其它模式或分析人員之應用參考。 During the winter-spring seasons, duststorms frequently occur over the northwestern China where are dry or desert areas. In some cases, the dust particles could reach the southeastern Asia carried by the atmospheric circulations, and induce air quality degeneration and health harm of people. Actually, Taiwan area is often one of the strongly affected areas because of the southward cold air systems and fronts. In general, the monitoring of duststorms is conducted by the conventional station observations. The method although can obtain accurate measurements, but is point-wise and is not wide and systematic coverage unless more stations and manpower are added. Therefore, the aim of this study is to use satellite to gather the duststorms?HH?HH information over large scale, and companying with the observation of Lidar for accuracy verifying. With that, the high temporal and spatial monitoring of duststorms can be obtained promptly, and the occurring locations and transfer paths of duststorms can be known and tracked, adding the duststorms?HH?HH optical depths and its vertical particle profiles. The ongoing results can be used for further analysis of duststorms and for decision-making. 研究期間:9203 ~ 9212