摘要: | 國寶級作家琦君(1917-2006)旅美二十載後,終於2004年6月返台定居,正當各界爭相邀請,舉辦歡迎會、研討會……等活動時,琦君卻於2006年6月謝世。 一生歷經家變、戰亂、飄泊的琦君,卻始終堅持真誠美善的文學信念,創作溫柔敦厚、撫慰人心的真摯文章。晚年雖再度漂洋過海,寄寓他鄉,仍創作不輟,並時常與文友相約「報上見」,她的毅力與精神為後代作家樹立了最佳的典範。 為紀念琦君,國家台灣文學館及中央大學「琦君研究中心」與琦君夫婿李唐基經過多次商討,決定為琦君做成蒐集其書信,編印成書的決定,並於2007年8月《琦君書信集》順利出版。本論文便是以《琦君書信集》為主要研究範圍。 《琦君書信集》中的信件,主要為琦君1980年赴美後所寫,致函對象包括出版人、媒體編輯人、文友、讀者等,對了解琦君晚年生活、交遊、思想、創作等,提供了直接而有力的資料,深具文學與史料意義。 琦君晚年飄洋過海,客居異鄉,朋友往來見面不易,因此,書信成為她與外在世界聯繫的窗口,她大量寫信,對遠在世界各地的友人們抒發她晚年孤寂的生命境況及一貫堅持的真誠美善的文學立場。琦君不但藉由這些書信,進行自我治療及救贖,更充分看出她對朋友的真誠關切。她認為友情的滋潤對人生極為重要,因此最盼望收到遠方友人的來信,而這些來自世界各地的友情便是支撐琦君度過晚年異鄉孤寂歲月的重要力量。 在表現形式上,琦君書信則具有幽微筆法、反覆申述、幽默諧趣、順勢扦插與點化等書寫特色。 由於原始書信具有真誠、無偽的特質,更可顯現作者真實的本性。因此本論文乃藉由琦君書信與其散文互相參照、補遺、分析、歸納,進而了解琦君的交遊情況及其晚年孤寂的生命境況與她真誠美善的文學立場,更透過這些書信,發現琦君確是一位溫柔敦厚、哀而不傷,甚且樂觀幽默,卻又對文學立場始終有所堅持的文學大家。 The national level writer, Chi Chun(1917 ~ 2006), stayed in USA for 20 years, finally returned Taiwan to settle down in June, 2004. While the arts and cultural community wanted to invite her for welcoming party, the seminars and so on, Chi Chun dead in June, 2006. After changing family life, war and no fixed place to live, Chi Chun still insist on the genuine, reality, purity, and beauty of literature faith. She wrote a lot of gentle and sincere articles comforting the will of the people. Although she traveled to USA again in her twilight years, Chi Chun still created many articles and often communicated with literature companions by writing articles on newspaper. Her willpower and spirit to future generations of writers set the best example. To commemorate Chi Chun, National Museum of Taiwanese Literature, National Central University「Research Section for Chi-Chun」and her husband had discussed many times and decided to gather her correspondence to compile and print as the book. August, 2007 "Chi Chun Correspondence Collection" had be published smoothly. This paper takes "Chi Chun Correspondence Collection" as the main research scope. "Chi Chun Correspondence Collection" mainly collects the correspondence which Chi Chun wrote after 1980 she went to America. The correspondence had be send to people including the publisher, the media editors, literature companions , the reader and so on and provided direct and the powerful information about the life of Chi Chun in her twilight years, friends, thoughts, creation and so on. It was full of the meaning of Literature and study of historical data. Chi Chun lived in foreign place during her twilight years, the companions could hardly meet with her. Therefore, the correspondence becomes the communication method with the external world. She massively wrote letters to friends all over the world to tell about her lonely life and the genuine, reality, purity, and beauty of literature faith. Because the characteristic of the primitive correspondence are sincereness and not deceptiveness, it may appear the author real natural disposition. Therefore by the reference, addendum, analysis and summary of the correspondence and prose, we can understand Chi Chun about the life of Chi Chun in her twilight years and the genuine, reality, purity, and beauty of literature faith. |