紀昀的《閱微草堂筆記》在文言小說史上占有重要地位,也極有研究價值。 因受中國傳統儒家文化思想的影響,使得當時社會上仍存在著「萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高」的風氣。為求得更好的工作、社會地位,許多學子孜孜不倦埋首於學業,自古及今皆然。這群文士多沉溺於典籍,作八股文,以致當面臨現實生活之考驗時,往往不懂得權宜和應變,顯現出種種不知所措的窘迫情況,《閱微草堂筆記》一書中,對此皆有生動的描寫和深刻的批評。 本論文透過文士類型中所呈現真與偽之型塑表現,來看文士的生活。在知識生活中,文士以吟詩寫作的方式來印證知識中的精神意義。在雅致生活中,文士對於玉石、硯品的珍愛態度與酒的情誼,在在表現出文士與眾不同之情懷。在風月生活中,文士與娼妓、男色的關係密切,在千絲萬縷的情愛世界裡,屬於文士的浪漫自此展開,但也付出不少代價。在扶乩生活中,可見扶乩是明清文士間盛行的一種遊戲方式,紀昀對於扶乩這種遊戲,也參與不少,但最終對於乩仙存在與否的問題,他仍然無法確定,但所肯定的是扶乩後的勸世思想。 從這四個生活的面向切入《閱微草堂筆記》,不僅可以窺見清代文士生活中的點滴,也可知當時的社會現象與演進方式。 <<Writings of the Weiyuai Hut>>, written by Ji Yun, is an important classic Chinese novel as well as a valuable piece of research material. With the influence of Confucianism, it has been widely believed among Chinese people "the pursuit of konwledge is superior to all other walks of life." As a result, many students devote themselves in studies in order to pursuit a better career and a higher social status, which has become a tradition in Chinese society. These students are so dedicated in studying Chinese classics and eight legged essays for the imperial examinations that they are relatively less flexible and adaptable with everyday life challenges. The fact that the scholars are often with real life situation is vividly described and profoundly commented in <<Writings of the Weiyuai Hut>>. In this thesis, I attempt to look into a scholar's life through the prototype presented in <<Writings of the Weiyuai Hut>>. Academically, a scholar proves the spiritural values of knowledge by reciting poems and writing compositions. With regards to the leisure time activities, he demonstrates his unusual taste with the fondness for jades, inkstones and In the aspect of romantic affairs, he has close connections with female as well as male prostitutes. He develops a scholar's romantic nature in the intricate relationships, yet pays it too. He also participates in planchette writing, a game that prevails among scholars the Ming and Chin dynasties. Note that Ji Yun has abundant personal experiecne in planchette writing as well. Although he is uncertain about the exitence of plancette spirit, he is affirmative about the thoughts behind the advices provided by planchette. Studying <<Writings of the Weiyuai Hut>> from the four perspectives of life mentioned above, we can gain not only a detailed protrait of a scholar's life of the Chin dynasty but picture of the social phenomenons and evolution of that time.