本計畫為鋅空氣電池關鍵技術開發計畫之子計畫之一,計畫之最重要目標在於鋅空氣電池殘電量測,其次是電池保護電路之設計,以及實際應用是整體系統電路之設計,利用交流阻抗之量測,預計本計畫可以量得鋅空氣電池中電解液之電性,由電性推估殘電,此為最基礎之技術突破,在殘電量測問題解決之後,我們將更進以步以此技術為基礎,設計電池保護電路,以避免過放,過電流等因素傷害電池本體。最後並以電動機車為負載,實測應用之狀況,並做應用之電源控制電路設計。 This project is a sub-project of a ZN-AIR Cell research project. The main purpose of this project is to search for a skill to measure the residual power of Zn-Air Cell. Based of the measuring of residual power in a Zn-Air cell, we are able to design a protection circuit to protect the cell from over current or over used to elongate the life of cell. After all the above problems are solved, we are going to test the performance of the Zn-Air cell that used in electro-powered vehicle. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407