本研究將延續前幾期之研究成果,以高屏地區近一千四百公里公路路線為調查範圍,以建立省縣道公路之公路基本資料庫。在設備之使用上將評估現有資訊市場相關設備,並以採購與現有設備規格相符之設備為目標,資料之維護管理則使用運研所提供之公路基本資料管理系統為主,由本研究團隊自備調查車輛,在完成設備評估與採購後,於車輛上進行相關設備之架設,並擔負儀器設備保管之責。本研究將以參與其他研究計畫之系統開發整合經驗,用以改善現行系統之操作缺失,並藉由硬體設備之採購,改善現行設備之缺陷,並撰寫資訊硬體評估及改善建議書。對於內、外業之作業流程,將朝自動化方向努力,以縮短作業時間、確保資料輸入之正確性及調查系統穩定為目標,並將系統建置、內外業調查操作流程,撰寫教育訓練手冊,並製作成多媒體影音光碟。 This research follows the results of the previous studies, aims to establish a 1400 kilometers provincial and county highway inventory database in the area of Kaosiung and Pingtung. Based on the research experiences of other studies, we will modify the current operation procedures by the renewal of the equipments applied, on the basis of the existing data management systems provided by IOT, which will be set up and kept in the investigation van of our research team. A report of informational hardware evaluations and suggestions will be provided as references. A focus of this research is to design an automatic system, by which the operation time will be shorten, the data will be accurately collected, and the investigation system will be as stable as could be. Additionally, the establishment of the system and the investigation procedures will be collected in a training book and a multimedia CD. 研究期間:9303 ~ 9311