摘要: | 隨著機動車輛的快速成長,交通狀況變得十分複雜,許多國家正積極發展智慧型運輸系統(ITS),期以電腦與通訊等尖端科技改善現有運輸問題。由於駕駛模擬器具有駕駛實驗安全、成本較低與實驗項目較易掌控等特性,是探討人、車、路、環境與ITS設施關係之最佳工具。本研究將應用交通部運輸研究所之駕駛模擬器,參考交控設施、光線、天候、視距、車道寬、ATIS、EPS與AVCSS等研究課題,建立駕駛安全與駕駛工作負荷評估系統,並檢討目前駕駛模擬器軟硬體之需求與擴充性。此外,本研究將依據該評估系統,建立ITS、車上與交通設施對駕駛行為反應影響之評估次系統,且以數個應用課題執行此評估次系統評估程序,並建立駕駛行為反應資料庫以及進行相關統計資料分析。 The number of motor vehicles has been growing rapidly in Taiwan, and traffic conditions have become more complex than before. The development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) using high technology computers and communications to enhance traveler safety and efficiency is proliferating worldwide. Compared to the testing of vehicles on the road, driving simulators (DS) have many advantages. They are safer, cost less, and allow for the control and replication of experiment situations. Hence, a DS is a useful and economical tool commonly employed to explore driver behavior in relation to ITS technologies and to different driver, vehicle, road, and environmental situations. One of the major purposes of this study is to apply the DS developed by the Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (IOT-DS) to establish a driver safety and workload evaluation system with respect to traffic control devices, lighting conditions, weather conditions, driver sight distance, lane width, advanced traveler information systems, electronic payment systems, and advanced vehicle control and safety systems. In addition, this study evaluates the existing IOT-DS to determine research requirements and possible expansion of the IOT-DS software and hardware. Furthermore, after establishing a driver safety and workload evaluation system, this study creates three sub-systems based on the evaluation system to assess driver safety and workload on ITS, in-vehicle and traffic control devices respectively. From the results of the DS experiments for these three sub-systems, this study assesses and tests the procedures and contents of the evaluation system. This study also builds a driver behavior database from the DS experiments, and performs statistical data analysis using the database. 研究期間:9303 ~ 9311 |