目前國內與交通事故有關的統計資料包括:道路交通事故資料、健康保險資料、死因資料、任意保險資料與強制汽車責任險資料、以及人車監理資料等五個資料庫。上述資料內容在交通事故相關之分析、研究上具備互補之特質,但由於各資料庫均由所屬單位獨力開發維護,因而造成了資料庫整合之問題,也使得長期以來無法完整進行與交通事故相關之研究。運研所於92年針對上述問題,透過各資料庫的淨化、篩選及不同資料庫內容的連結,完成第一階段之基本雛形環境的建置(以下簡稱「雛形系統」),初步測試雛形系統具可用性,本計畫將以這些既有成果為基礎,進一步改善雛形系統、擴充異質資料種類與資料年期,並擴大整合性資料應用程度。 Prototype System of Integrated Road Traffic Accident Data (I)-Data and System Expansion (1/2) The existing statistics regarding traffic accidents in Taiwan includes: road traffic data, health insurance data, death cause data, vehicle accident insurance data, and individual-motor-vehicle administration data, total five database. The properties of the above mentioned database do hold a complementary role to one for the purposes of analysis and research, but as the individual database was developed and maintained by different departments, the lack of database integration becomes one problem to proceed with vehicle accident researches for long time. Based on this, IOT has accomplished a Prototype System of Integrated Road Traffic Accident Data by screening, and linkage of different databases to resolved the problem in 2003. The initial testing of the prototype system proved its applicable function, and this research will further develop the prototype system with improvement and expansion with different data sources and types to maximize its applications. 研究期間:9302 ~ 9310