這個計畫是研究颱風的起源,根據觀測結果颱風是少數的暖心系統之一,就位渦值來看,暖心系統是隨著高度而遞減的函數,這個就是意味說低層有一個異常的位渦,這個不穩定的過程醞釀另外一個正回饋的過程,積雲加熱的函數一般來說極大值在500 毫巴左右(颱風更高一點),在極大值以下積雲加熱是隨著高度增加的函數,所以是位渦的正的來源,在500 毫巴以上是位渦的負的來源,這就是一個正回饋的機制,因此位渦值可以和其它的擾動項一起成長。由計畫書可以看出來,所有的事情都以準備完成,唯一的例外是數值模擬的部份,請各位評審委員考慮我們儀器設備費的申請,以順利我們完成計畫之研究。 The proposal is to study the genesis of typhoon. From observations typhoon is one of few warm core systems in the tropical and subtropical regions. This implies the potential vorticity is a decreasing function with height. It further implies that there is a positive potential vorticity anomaly in low levels. This also implies another positive feedback mechanism. Generally speaking, cloud heating function has maximum at middle troposphere at around 500mb. In typhoon usually the maximum heating is higher than 500mb. Below heating maximum the heating function is increasing with height it becomes a positive source of PV. Above heating maximum it becomes a positive sink of PV. This is a positive feedback mechanism. So that PV can grow with other perturbation values hand in hand. From the proposal it is clear that everything is completed except numerical modeling work. Please consider all our request of equipment seriously so that we can finish our proposal. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407