亞洲地區近年來過度開發與經濟快速發展,所衍生跨區域環境問題日益嚴重,尤以區域大氣污染物長程輸送最為顯著,成為國際焦點與研究重點區域,並已造成對台灣空氣品質及環境的衝擊。本計畫即選定適合地點進行亞洲沙塵或生質燃燒長程傳輸懸浮微粒、雲水化學採樣分析,並進行氣塊軌跡分析,以了解懸浮微粒及雲水的物化特性及可能的污染來源。此外,整合衛星遙測、地面監測技術進行境外大氣污染物如亞洲沙塵、東南亞生質燃燒之監控與其特性分析,以掌握其自源區排放、傳送、沈降對台灣之影響。研究抵台之亞洲沙塵、東南亞生質燃燒等境外大氣污染物在懸浮微粒、降水形態之成份特性。進行上述境外大氣污染物的氣流分析,評估其可能的傳輸路徑與源區。應用與發展MODIS衛星資料在大氣污染物及台灣鄰近環境監測技術,以強化與輔助地面監測系統。 The study is aimed to monitoring Asian dust during the spring of 2004 by integrating the measurements of aerosl and precipitation/cloud chemistry at a high-elevation mountain site, and remote sensing measurements including NCU lidar and satellite data. Using the MODIS satellite data, a scheme has been developed to qualitatively differentiate Asian dust and biomass burnnings.NCU lidar detected the vertical structure of dust layer when it approached to the NCU site. Cloud water and rainwater was collected hourly at Mt. Bamboo site during the dust events. Ten cases of dust events, which invaded into Taiwan area have been identified. Extensive discussion on above events will be discussed in details. 研究期間:9303 ~ 9312