颱風豪雨經常引發堤防潰堤而使河水氾濫,或者颱風伴隨豪大雨遇到中央山脈的陡峭地形引發土石流,這些都會造成台灣地區嚴重的水文災害。本計畫擬討論侵台颱風所引發的廣義水文氣象課題,包括颱風環流內部的雲微物理過程、颱風豪雨導致的急速河川逕流(洪水),以及海氣交互作用對於颱風強度、結構變化的影響。本計畫的研究目的在於透過一系列敏感度測試實驗,以納莉 (2001)颱風為研究個案,探討論雲微物理過程如何影響颱風行進路徑、颱風強度、及結構。大部份的颱風模式於模擬積分期間(1~3 天),者是使用固定的海面溫度(SST)。然而在颱風期間,颱風渦旋環流引發的海面溫度變化於時間上及空間上的變異都相當大,所以本研究另一課題即在發展一個颱風及海洋的耦合模式,藉以討論海氣交互作用對於颱風強度、結構演化的影響。 The heavy rainfalls associated with landfalling typhoons often induce flooding over the river basin or landslide over steep topographic regions, and both situations are the most severe hydrological damages over the Taiwan area. This research proposal plans to investigage several typhoon-related hydrometeorological issues, which include the precipitation physical processes and the air-sea interactions. Through a series of numerical sensitivity experiments of Typhoon Nari (2001), using the Mm5 model, we plan to investigate how the microphysical processes affect typhoon』s track, intensity, and the embedded mesoscale structures. Most of typhoon models used a time-invariant sea surface temperature (SST) field during the integration of typhhon event (1~3 days). However, the SST field has lots of spatial and temporal variations and structures induced by typhoon vortex circulation. Another aspect of this study is to investigate how air-sea interaction affects the evolution and structure of a typhoon. Thus other objective of this project is to develop a typhoon model (MM5) coupled with and intermidate ocean model, and to discuss how the air-sea interaction influences the evolution and structure change of an oceanic typhoon. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407