由過去100 年臺灣地區災害地震分佈可知,大部分災害都集中在臺灣西部彰雲嘉南平原區的東側麓山帶。若由地震的分佈來看,此區有許多淺源地震,許多學者都以 Suppe 的薄皮逆衝理論來解釋此種構造現象。無庸置疑,此區是島內構造活動非常活躍的地區,因此以臺灣島內而言,彰雲嘉南平原區最容易產生地震災害。本計畫擬以三年時間,針對彰雲嘉南平原區,建立完整的強地動模擬方法。計畫中最關鍵的兩個重點是必須有精確地的三維速度構造,及三維地震波傳播的計算能力。而三維速度構造中又以淺層速度構造最難確定。本計畫擬以最近發展完成的微地動陣列法及高密度微地動頻譜比值法,來觀測彰雲嘉南平原區的淺層速度構造。再配合其他地震學的tomography 結果,來建構完整的三維速度構造。有了三維速度構造後,將以虛擬頻譜法及有限差分法,利用PC cluster 平行運算技巧進行三維地震波傳播之計算。如此,則可完成完整的強地動模擬方法。 From the distribution of hazard earthquakes in Taiwan region for the past 100 years, it is very clear to notice that over half of these hazard earthquakes were happen in the mountain region where is the east of western coastal plain of Taiwan island. In this region, there are a lot shallow seismic events. Usually, people use Suppe』s Thin Skin Model to explain the tectonic structures of this region. There is no doubt; this region is the most tectonic active part within the island. Therefore, the western coastal plain is vulnerable for the earthquake hazards. In this research, we plan to setup a complete strong ground motion simulation method, and fully test it within 3 years, for the western coastal plain of Taiwan island. There are two critical issues for the success of this research. They are the precise 3-D velocity models, especially the shallow part, and the ability to compute the synthetic seismograms for this 3-D model. To overcome this, we propose to use the micro-tremor array technique which is developed recently, and the spectral analysis of high spatial density micro-tremor data to get a detailed near surface velocity model. Combine it with the traditional seismic tomographic resulst; we can then have a complete 3-D model. Therefore, we can use a hybrid 3-D pseudo-spectral and finite difference method to compute the synthetic seismograms. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407