台灣西部麓山帶出露之沈積岩層,地質年代多屬甚為年輕之地層,源於地質年代年輕,岩層多膠結不良。膠結不良沈積岩層邊坡破壞,地下水扮演甚為重要之角色,然而,地下水壓對於多屬異向性傾斜互層之膠結不良沉積岩層邊坡之影響,與其對於土壤邊坡或膠結較佳、受不連續面切割、由不連續面控制地下水滲流之巖體邊坡有其明顯之差異,本研究即預計探討此一重要問題。本計畫屬整合型計畫下之子計畫六,擬以三年為期,利用數值模擬、室內試驗以及現地試驗方式,研究地下水壓對於膠結不良沉積岩層之邊坡穩定影響。同時,本計畫亦將配合整合型計畫中其它子計畫,於已完成建立之現地實驗站從事現地全尺寸邊坡破壞試驗,並協助進行現地邊坡地下水壓監測。預期成果包括(1)膠結不良沉積岩層(異向性)邊坡合理之地下水壓模式建立;(2)地下水壓對於膠結不良沉積岩層邊坡穩定之影響;(3)膠結不良沉積岩層邊坡穩定措施(含地下排水)適用性探討;(4)探討膠結不良沉積岩層地下水壓與有效應力間之相關性,並利用參數研究瞭解此一相關性對於膠結不良沉積岩層邊坡穩定性之影響程度。上述之問題均為西部麓山帶邊坡工程設計與分析所必須面對之實際問題,亦與本整合型計畫之其它子計畫有關,值得透過系統性研究探討之。 Most outcrops in the geologic region of western Taiwan foothill belong to poorly cemented sedimentary rocks. Pore water pressure is a primary factor affecting the stability of a slope on poorly cemented sedimentary rock. The pore water pressure in geo-material may affect the stability of a soil slope or jointed rock-slope quite differently. This sub-project, which belongs to one of the six sub-projects within a grouped research project, will last for three years. This project aims to study the effect of pore water pressure on the stability of slopes on poorly cemented sedimentary rocks by means of numerical simulation, lab-tests and in-situ tests. The anticipated results from this proposed project include (1) an estimation of the proper piezometric surface for the stability analysis of a slope on poorly cemented sedimentary rock with hydraulic anisotropy. (2) understand to the influence of pore water pressure on the stability of slopes on poorly cemented sedimentary rocks. (3) appraisal of proper of stabilization methods on slopes on poorly cemented sedimentary rocks. (4) investigation of the appropriateness of the effective stress law on the poorly cemented sedimentary rocks. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407