計畫旨在透過衛星雷達回波強度建立與水深之關係,進而有效應用於防汎時期水災監測及災害損失大略之估計,甚至平時亦可應用於水庫蓄水(量)狀況之評估,對可能發生之旱象,提出警訊。故應用衛星雷達影象像資料建立一套水災監測與損失評估系統,可有效提供防災之疏散、救災、災害評估及復建經費等決策工作參考。 The main purpose of this project is to establish the relationship between the intensity of radar echo and water depth. This not only is effectively used in monitoring disasters brought by excessive water during typhoons but also in estimation of losses. Furthermore, it can daily be used to estimate and evaluate the water volume of reservoirs. In face of possible droughts, it may raise the alarm. Through the application of the radar images, therefore, the establishment of a system to monitor disasters brought by excessive water and to evaluate their losses is in great help of policy making such as evacuation, disastrous evaluation, and recovery budget. 研究期間:9303 ~ 9312