本計畫延續過去九年本組在AMS 實驗中的工作,繼續參與電子讀出線路的設計與製造。我們負責部分的頂級讀出電腦系統,以及第一級觸發系統。我們預定在2005 年以前完成頂級讀出電腦系統的飛行模組生產與測試,同時我們將繼續協助AMS 軌跡探測器的電子系統之生產測試。 This proposal is a continuation of our previous work with the AMS collaboration. We are responsible for part of the top level DAQ system, as well as the AMS-II trigger system. The flight modules of these two systems shall be produced and be verified in specified environmental tests before 2005. We keep collaborating with the AMS Tracker subdetector and join the verification of the tracker readout electronics. 研究期間:9308 ~ 9407