以電漿焚化熔融處理有機廢棄物,以產生合成氣,再將合成氣純化並加以回收利用為一能源回收之有效製程。 本計畫為配合「電漿焚化熔融處理有害廢棄物產業化應用與發展」施政目標,開發有機廢棄物電漿氣化處理程序技術,以協助解決國內有機廢棄物所造成之環保問題,並將其轉化為發電燃料,期能提供國內分散式能源/電力供應的技術能量。本計畫擬開發有機物氣化與淨化製程及氣化產品分析技術,期能落實電漿技術本土化推廣應用,創造新興之環保/能源產業。本計畫為二年期計畫,其第一年工作項目包括:建立有機廢棄物電漿裂解氣化產物之定量分析技術;篩選適當觸媒,進行有機廢棄物觸媒催化裂解反應技術研究;探討有機廢棄物觸媒催化裂解機制;進行有機廢棄物轉化合成氣之操作條件與轉化效率實驗。第二年工作項目包括:進行有機廢棄物之電漿裂解氣化機制理論模擬分析,確認較佳催化觸媒及較佳操作條件與參數,進行電漿裂解氣化產物之淨化技術資料之蒐集與分析,探討有機廢棄物轉化合成氣之能源應用與相關技術。經由上述研究,預期可有效掌握各製程參數,並發展出具經濟效益之製程,提供核研所做放大設計之依據。 The treatment of organic waste by plasma has received attention recently. The treatment of organic polymer waste will produce gas products which contain large amount of CO and hydrogen. These gas products can be purified and react to form alternative energy. Using catalyst in plasma reactor is expected to enhance the efficiency of the plasma reactor and increase the selectivity to syngas. The objective of this proposal is to develop a catalyst to apply in this respect. The reaction conditions in plasma reactor will be optimized. This 2-year project includes the following tasks. The item of the first year?HH?HHs work includes (1) build up a technique to analyze the gas products from plasma reactor; (2) screen test the catalyst and optimize the compositions of the catalyst; (3) investigate the mechanism of pyrolysis inside the plasma reactor; and (4) carry out the reaction experiments and optimize the reaction conditions. The works in the 2nd year include (1) develop a simulation model for the mechanism of pyrolysis; (2) identify the optimum catalyst and the optimum reaction conditions; (3) collect the literature of the process in this topic; and (4) investigate the energy recovery in this topic by plasma method. Throughout the cooperation between NCU and INER, it is believed that the technology in treatment of organic waste by plasma with catalyst can be commercialized in Taiwan. 研究期間:9401 ~ 9412