道路路面的平坦程度是影響乘車舒適性的重要因素,各式各樣之平坦儀都是公路主管機關長久以來做為道路平坦度檢測所使用之工具,藉由不同的檢測指標以做為路面養護之標準。近來也開始使用舒適度做為衡量道路服務績效之評估方法,本研究也將就現有之績效量測設備之實用性進行檢討及改良。此外,隨著科技之進步及數位化之發展,已發展出各式各樣車載及個人化配備之檢測設備,尤其是個人記錄裝備之部份,若能配合巡路人員定期的現地調查,將對道路品質能有更確切的掌控。因此如何利用現有之資訊設備,開發一套方便現地調查人員使用之記錄設備,亦為重要之研究課題。此外目前國內已有相當多單位建置鋪面管理系統,但並不完全適用於全國性的鋪面管理系統,若能就現有之基礎進行整合,將相關之資料庫系統進行整合,透過標準化之模組建置,集中資源並朝Web-GIS發展,應可建立適合於國內環境之鋪面管理系統。 The roadway roughness is a major element of the riding comfort. The superintendents of roadway always maintain the roadway via roughness index which was inspected by roughness profiler. The aims of this project are to evaluate the practicability and to improve the effectiveness of roughness instruments and to develop the individual record equipments for site investigations, and to help the estimation of roadway quality. In Taiwan, there are many pavement management systems (PMS) developed by local roadway superintendents, but these systems are not suitable for network level for central government. This project will integrate the existed resources of PMS and database systems, and by standard module to develop the Web-GIS prototype system for country-wide. 研究期間:9402 ~ 9411