本計畫係以開發太空級磁力計設計製造相關技術,及發展利用磁力讀數估測旋轉角速度之演算法為目標。由於本團隊已有製作磁阻式磁力計之相關技術與經驗,故本計劃前期重點為發展利用磁力計估算角速度之演算法,計劃中期則為設計製作太空級磁力計飛行體 (*註)、旋轉測試平台設計加工同時進行,計劃後期則是進行實驗以驗證磁力計估算角速度之演算法,以及進行磁力計飛行體之環境測試工作。上述之計劃進程若圓滿達成,則所製作出來的磁力計飛行體將可應用於探空火箭或人造衛星上之籌載,進行磁場向量之量測與角速度之估測 。The mean purpose of this project has two folds. The first is to develop the key technologies for space magnetometer design and calibration. The second is to research for angular velocity estimation algorithms, given magnetometer signal. For we already have the technologies for AMR magnetometer design, in the beginning of this project, we will develop the of angular velocity estimation algorithms. In the second stage, we will make a rotation stage to emulate the carrier as a test bench to test the performance of angular velocity estimation. After developing all the required functions, we will perform space environmental test to verify that our design meet the space qualification. Although, it may take some iteration to improve the quality of this altitude determination instrument, after the goal of the project is achieved, the space qualified magnetometer could be a payload for sounding rocket or satellite to measure the direction of magnetic filed and the angular velocity of the vehicles. 研究期間:9405 ~ 9505