FORMOSAT-3衛星發射後第一年IOP期間,RO (radio occultation) 資料觀測點相當集中,估計每天約有兩次的掃描觀測會經過東?地區。衛星掃描觀測經反演所得的溫度場與水氣場的垂直剖線資料,將會大幅提升觀測資料的密度,尤其在沒有探空測站的廣大海面,預期對於台灣梅雨季的相關研究將有很大的助益。 本子計畫的主要目標即在於評估FORMOSAT-3 RO觀測資料的引進對東?地區梅雨天氣系統研究的影響並探討其應用性。 During the IOP after the lunching of FORMOSAT-3, the distribution of RO observations is quite concentrated in narrow regions, about two scans over the East Asia region is anticipated. The retrieved vertical profiles of temperature and moisture fields will greatly increase the data density in this area, particularly over the ocean which virtually has no observations. It is also anticipated that the increase of observations will promote the Mei-Yu related research in this area. The research purpose of this proposal is to evaluate the impact and applications of FORMOSAT-3 RO data on the studies of Mei-Yu related weather systems. 研究期間:9412 ~ 9511