福爾摩沙三號(Formosat-3/COSMIC)預計在2006年3月開始,發射6顆近地球軌道之微衛星,以接收24顆全球衛星定位GPS衛星發射之訊號,而形成所謂的掩星觀測,每日可提供全球觀測密度均勻分布的探空數目將多達3000個,對氣象的學術研究與天氣預報應用有極高之價值,六顆微衛星在發射間,沿著經度帶會有比較密集之觀測資料,形成所謂GPS之密集觀測期.本計畫配合COSMIC IOP地面驗證實驗之計畫之整體研究規劃,利用WRF 3D-VAR導入Formosat-3 IOP觀測資料之同化,進行即時區域天氣預報實驗,評估GPS折射率資料同化對區域天氣預報之影響,並且以IOP地面驗證觀測實驗所得之密集觀測資料進行模式之驗證。 The goals of this project aim at the Cooperation of research direction under the Integrated Project of Meteorological Research for FOMOSAT-3 IOP Campaign and the implementation of WRF 3DVAR data assimilation for inclusion of the real time GPS Occultation Observations to improve regional weather forecast. The main goals of this project are: 1.Conduct real time WRF 3DVAR assimilation forecast with FOMOSAT-3 IOP observation data and assess the impact of the IOP GPS data on regional weather prediction. 2.Conduct WRF 3DVAR update cycle experiments to asses the impact of update cycling on regional weather prediction. 3.Conduct WRF model validation with FOMOSAT-3 IOP Campaign Observation data. 研究期間:9412 ~ 9511