西蜜斯號(THEMIS)衛星任務的主要目標是判定磁層副暴的位置及如何發生,此任務的其它目標包括磁暴時期MeV電子的來源與加速機制及磁層頂暫態事件的特性與發生原因。由國家太空中心主導的國際合作計畫,將整合國內外研究單位與人才,積極參與THEMIS研究任務。此計畫的目的是評估計畫的可行性和提出完整的計畫書。 The primary objective of the THEMIS (Time History of Events and their Macroscopic Interactions during Substorms) satellite mission is to determine where and how the substorms are triggered. Its other objectives include source and acceleration mechanism of storm-time MeV electrons; and the nature, extent, and cause of magnetopause transient events. An international collaboration program, which was initiated by National Space Organization (NSPO) in Taiwan, will coordinate research conducted in the Taiwanese and foreign laboratories. The objectives of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of the project and finish a complete proposal. 研究期間:9409 ~ 9503