Abstract: | 本論文以西晉太康時期之「三張」——張華、張載與張協及其詩文為討論之範疇。 文學創作會受時代風尚、個人才氣學習與生平際遇而有所影響,三張都是素族出身,但由於其所處時代有所先後,因而其際遇有得以主導文擅與壯志難伸的分別,其詩文中也透顯出這樣的特殊情感。 本論文研究詩人之詩歌與文章,主要分別依其「內容題材」與「藝術特色」為析論重點進行開展。張華處於魏末晉初的時代,對於轉變建安、正始詩風而型塑西晉詩壇「重情縟采」的創作風格有不可磨滅的貢獻,實於西晉文風有主導的地位,其「求新尚麗」、「尚清省」與「先情後辭」的文學觀,對太康詩人有著重大的影響;張載作品較少,史書記載其「才通經史」,曾著《晉書》,其尤善擬古作品,如〈七哀詩〉與〈擬四愁詩〉等,本文中亦將其詩與原詩及歷代擬詩作了比較,以襯顯其創作風格。一般說來,張載詩文與太康眾作稍有不同,大體呈現「質實凝重」的藝術特色,也具體展現太康文壇另一獨有風貌。 張協所處時期是西晉詩文的成熟期,《詩品》將其詩歌列為上品,標舉其詩文擅於「巧構形似之言」,其創作注重「情景交融」、「音韻儷對」與「運用典故」等技巧,體物細膩入微而能臻至「神似」的境界,可說是西晉文壇的藝術高峰,對於後代詩文創作技巧影響極為深遠。 末章以「三張之比較」作為全文之收束。此章以三張之「生平經歷」與「詩文創作」作為三人比較之重心,在生平經歷方面,以三人之「出身及性格」、「際遇與交遊」作為論述之要;在詩文創作方面,以「文學觀之新變與發展」、「詩文創作類型之異同」、「綺靡工巧風格之展現」與「詩文哲思與人生實踐」四方面為主軸,以較為全面的觀點概觀析論三人生平與詩文之異同,冀以體現三張獨到之特色。 The main structure of this thesis is about the field of poems and articles of Zhang Hua, Zhang Zai, and Zhang Xie; named “Tri-Zhang” at Tai-kang age in West Jin Dynasty. As well known, the souls of articles present the authors’ personality, life style in the age, and living experiences. It can be found a lot differences among Tri-Zhang’s articles since the different ages they are, even they are all non-noble level. Different ways can be studied for articles composed by Tri-Zhang:topics. This thesis is focusing two fields for those articles, first is their topics and characteristics inside, and second is their writing skill or style. For Zhang Hua, he provided lots contributions in rebuilding novel writing skill, especially for personal emotion description. It shows more splendid results if compared with writing style at Jian-an age, and leads authors at Tai-kang age to a new field. As compared to others, Zhang Zai presented fewer article compositions. However due to his outstanding knowledge base, he completed a book named “Book of Jin” as a historical record. Furthermore, he also presented his cutting-edge in estimation of old-style article. This thesis studied Zhang Zai’s articles, and especially made a comparison to other authors in field of estimation of old-style article. As a result in this thesis, it is found that his articles or poems shown more original substance but less decoration. Zhang Xie lived at mature age of article in Jin Dynasty, and as “Shi-Ping” (a poem assessment written by Zhong Rong) said that his compositions demonstrated a perfect performance in vivid description for scenery. He enriched his writing skills for scenery description per “emotion-scene combined”, “rhyme of words”, “allusion introduced”. Through those skills, he can presented a living object not only face outside but also soul inside. At the last part of this thesis, the comparison is completed for “Tri-Zhang”, and emphasized the different or matched points through both living experience of author, and their article-writing style. |