宋代詞人柳永的生平、以及其人與其詞的評價是一個學界討論不休的問題,本文企圖由其生平及其詞相關研究入手,運用大量古代筆記、史書、方志與文集來探究柳永人生的梗概,以及其個性、寫作手法的成因,從而將柳永的生平與詞作相結合,理解他一生的遭遇及轉變。文中針對柳永家風、出生年、出生地、童年的遷徙、入京時間,以及初次進士考試、〈鶴沖天〉的寫作時間、宴遊生活與戀愛發展、婚姻、落榜、漫遊,乃至於登第情形、宦途、改官時間、晚年遭遇以及卒墓並最後官職等問題,皆有補充或發明。而後確定柳永之成熟作品出現在中晚期人生的羈旅詞中,有著雅俗相益、景真情深的特色;其人則因家風與童年成長經驗的薰陶,有著深情、任真、執著的特性,並反映在其詞中。今日對柳永及其詞的評價當由此等成熟之詞作發明,認識柳永其人,則當由其家風乃至宴遊、戀愛經驗開始。如此方得完整認識柳永,並理解其詞作的價值。最後以研究結果檢驗宋代以降歷朝文人對於柳永的評價,並探討各時代風氣對柳永其人及其詞之評價造成的影響。 Liu Yong , who is an important poet of Ci in the Sung Dynasty . His life and literary creation are argued endlessly until these days . This thesis will discuss about his birth , character , birthplace , moving in childhood , entering the capital , first national test of the Jin Shi qualifications , marriage , dejection in tests , recruition , and his last days , even his death . The writing techniques of Liu Yong is decided by his conscientious character which is influenced by his experience in teenages of love and banquets . The suitable appreciation of Liu Yong and his Ci must be comment depend on these studies . In the last part of this thesis is to discuss about the appreciations until the Chin Dynasty among literati , and to comprehend the appreciations which worked upon the climate of every dynasties .