本研究針對雙孔中空複合構材,進行一系列實驗研究,藉由15根不同寬深比試體承受彎矩、純扭矩與不同組合反復載重之試驗,探討極限強度、破壞模式、勁度衰減與能量消散行為之影響,並整合文獻[24]所得之5組數據進行研究比較。 研究結果顯示,當構件寬深比(B/D)小於2.857時,寬深比越大,則構件在組合彎矩與扭矩作用下之勁度衰減率較低,能量消散能力亦較佳。耦合板(Coupling Plate)對構件極限彎矩強度與極限扭矩強度之影響不大,惟此耦合板對構件達極限扭矩後之強度維持有所助益,極限強度後之強度衰減速率亦可減緩,且扭轉勁度與消散能量皆可獲得提升,載重偏心程度越大,耦合板之效果越顯著。 This study focused on the performance evaluation of twin-cell hollow composite members subjected to combined cyclic loads. A series of composite members with various sectional aspect ratios were tested under bending, torsion and their combinations. Test results were used to investigate the effect of sectional aspect ratios on the members’ stiffness, strength and energy dissipation capacities. It was observed that the deterioration in stiffness was lower for member with higher aspect ratio when the member was subjected to combined bending and torsion. It is also found from the test results that the energy dissipation capacities for members with larger aspect ratios were higher when they were subjected to the combined loads. Comparisons of the results from the test specimens indicated that the effect of coupling plates on the members’ flexural behavior was minor. However, the torsional and flexural-torsional performance of members were significantly enhanced when the members were equipped with the coupling plates. Finally, an empirical expression for strength evaluation of members subjected to combined bending and torsion was proposed for engineering practice purpose.