近年來隨著科技快速的發展,許多國家的大都市都已建設地下化的大眾鐵路運輸工具,這些鐵路通常會以環狀的方式建造並在人潮最多的地方交會,因此當災難發生在地下化的大型車站時,往往會造成嚴重的傷亡。 災難的發生與災難所造成的災害是無法預測的,為了降低災難發生後所造成的人員傷亡,本研究利用行動裝置結合被動式RFID設備來製作室內定位系統,並且用照片型式的虛擬實境來顯示,再以螞蟻散佈費洛蒙的概念為基礎,配合RFID設備可以讀取與寫入的特點,來達成資訊交換的功能,如此一來就能夠在沒有電源供應的建築物內部中,只靠著行動裝置的電力來達成室內定位以及資訊分享的服務,如此一來就能夠幫助使用者在惡劣的環境下不會迷失方向,並且增加在災難發生的環境下生存的機會。 With the rapid technological development in recent years, many countries, cities have built underground railway transport system, the big railway station usually built in city center, so when a disaster occurs in the large underground stations, it often causing serious casualties. The disaster occurs and the disaster cannot forecast, so to reduce the casualties, We present a evacuation system, We use mobile devices combined with passive RFID equipment to produce indoor location aware function, and We use virtual reality of photographs types to display environment, then, We based on ant spread pheromone and RFID devices can read and write features to produce information sharing function, Thus users can use this evacuation system in lock of power building, only relying on power of mobile devices to use indoor location aware and information sharing function, This evacuation system can help users do not get lost direction in adverse circumstances, and increase the probability of survival.