台灣地處環太平洋西岸,是一個由板塊運動所產生之小島,因此造就台灣狹長且陡峭之地形。在九二一大地震過後使台灣山區土石更加破碎、鬆軟,這些碎石往往在大雨過後造成嚴重之土石流災害,尤其近年侵襲台灣之颱風比以往夾帶更多之雨量,這些都是促成土石流的重要因素。台灣目前已有一千五百多條之溪流被劃為土石流潛勢溪流,可見土石流災害對台灣的影響有越來越嚴重的趨勢。 有鑒於台灣土石流之災害越趨頻繁,本研究針對土石流衝擊建築物作一連串之分析研究,希望能夠更進一步了解建築物受土石流衝擊後之狀態,其中分析案例包含磚造建築物和混凝土造築物,對這些建築物做破壞曲線和易損性曲線的研究。另外也對建築物內之內容物作易損性的研究,這些易損性曲線不但可以讓我們了解土石流對建築物之影響,更可以協助評估災害區域之風險,提供受災區域事前預防、事後補救的方針,藉此減少生命財產上的損失。 There are many typhoons and earthquakes attack Taiwan every year. After the 921 Earthquake in 1999, the ground in mountain area has become more friable and that may cause majestic mudslide whenever heavy rains occur. Taiwan, nowadays, has more than 1500 creeks classified as debris flow potential creeks. The purpose of this research is to use mathematical method to take account of the mechanic properties of building and debris flow to build the vulnerability functions of different constructions of building. We also use hypothetical method to build the vulnerability functions of contents of general residential building for different regions in Taiwan. These vulnerability functions can be used to assess the possible debris flow losses of building located in debris flow-prone area.