摘 要 民間通俗文學喜好使用俗字,尤其是敦煌寫卷文學,要研究這類作品,先得認識俗文字。因此,俗文字研究逐漸獲得近代學者重視,漸成一門新興學科。而要研究隋唐的寫本俗文字,佛經可從佛經音義書著手音義書收錄大量的手寫俗字,已成為研究俗文字的珍貴資料,其中以《龍龕手鏡》最為知名。《龍龕手鏡》是遼代僧人所寫的一部字書, 不僅收錄了大量的佛經寫本俗字,並且給了詳盡的音義注釋,成為當今人們考證俗字及整理敦煌文獻的重要依據。而《紹興重雕大藏音》雖也收藏豐富的俗字,但相對的少獲青睞,相關的研究極為匱乏,後期出現的《紹興重雕大藏音》,所收錄的寫本俗文字數量必有增減,字形上定有演變,其研究的價值不應被忽略。 本文整理分析《紹興重雕大藏音》異體俗寫字,主要內容有: 一、先確定研究之《紹興重雕大藏音》版本,進行各種版本之間的比較,找出宋版《紹興重雕大藏音》為文本分析對象。 二、介紹《紹興重雕大藏音》體例和內容。 三、探討《紹興重雕大藏音》收錄之異體字。 四、整理《紹興重雕大藏音》容易混用字, 五、歸納《紹興重雕大藏音》之優點與缺失。 Abstract Vulgar Chinese words are popular in light literature, especially in the written Dunhuang Manuscripts. In order to study the early Chinese light literature, scholars have to understand the vulgar words in advance. Therefore Vernacular Chinese Philology is getting more attention and becoming an emerging discipline in philology. The written Buddhist sutras are very good material for the research of vulgar Chinese words. Herein, “Longkan Shoujing” is the most famous one. “Longkan Shoujing” is a Buddhist sutra written by a monk who lived in Liao dynasty. It collected lots of handwritten vulgar words and as well as gave a very detailed interpretation of the pronunciation and meanings. People have been utilized “Longkan Shoujing” to correct the folk Chinese characters and collate the Dunhuang Manuscripts. Although “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” also collected lots of vulgar words, it has gotten relatively less attentions. Almost no study about the vulgar words stored in “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” could be found. Actually “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” appeared later than “Longkan Shoujing”. The former must differ greatly from the later in the quantity and style of vulgar words. We believe it is a great value to study “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” with vulgar words. This article collated and analyzed “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” with its handwritten folk character variants. The following contents are included: 1. Firstly the version of “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” to be studied is confirmed. After comparison of variant versions, we decided to analyze Song version of “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin”. 2. The word styles and content of “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” is introduced. 3. Chinese variants included in “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin” are discussed. 4. Examination on the words which are easy to be used in wrong ways. 5. Analyses of the merits and demerit of “Shaoxing Chongdiao Dazangyin”.