章伯鈞的政治背景主要依附在第三黨之上,而第三黨在中國現代史中又面臨1949年前後兩個不同時期,在前一階段章伯鈞從揭櫫國、共之外的第三色彩,以至於後期調和國、共衝突的中間路線。在中共建國後,以民主人士之姿進入共和國,章伯鈞響應中共的開門整風政策,並在中國民主同盟與中國農工黨內進行宣傳活動,最後在反右運動時被扣上右派帽子,政治生命也宣告終結。 本文主要探討的時間點包含1949年前後兩個不同時代,在中共建國以前的章伯鈞是如何遊走於國、共兩黨之間,其具體的行動為何,是否只是中共的傳聲筒;在1957年被毛澤東欽點為「章羅同盟」右派之首的原因何在,是否只是一般研究認為毛澤東無的放矢而刻意加諸的罪名,從民主人士到人民公敵這中間的轉變之背後因素與由來為本文討論焦點。 因此本文將從章伯鈞所在的第三黨的政治理念開始論起,進而分析章伯鈞行中間路線的背後因素;而章伯鈞在抗日軍興與國內局勢改變下,出現什麼樣的轉變,並探討章伯鈞的兩手策略問題。其次,將討論1949年後中共如何安排黨外人士與面對有職無權時的因應態度,進而分析章伯鈞在鳴放時期發言內容的緣由。最後將探討在反右運動時,章伯鈞為何從原先的右派份子之一,被毛澤東提升到人民公敵之首的新、舊兩項因素。 Zhang Bojun’s political ideas and actions could be divided into two different periods. Before 1949, Zhang Bojun acted as a member of the Third party to lessen the tension between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but he was much closer to CCP. After 1949, Zhang Bojun showed his fully support to the new government of the People’s Republics of China which was established by the CCP. However, Zhang was claimed as a rightist by Mao Zedong in 1957. Mao’s allegation significantly influenced the development of Zhang’s political career and even ended his political life. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the reasons why Zhang was claimed as a rightist and to indicate the influence of the indictment which directly ended Zhang’s political career.