本論文中,我們以高功率白光LED為光源,設計出兩款不同用途之車前燈,分別為汽車前霧燈與機車近光燈。模擬中我們以歐洲法規為最低標準,並加強了照明區域的寬廣度與光型的對比度,以提高行車之安全性,除此之外,我們的設計同時具有組裝上高位移容忍度的優點,將有助於實際量產的可能性。最後,我們實際製作出兩款車燈設計,同時驗證了模擬的準確性。 In this thesis, we present two vehicle headlamp designs by using high-power white-light LEDs, and both of them meet the European regulations and perform high shifting tolerance. The first design is a front fog lamp, which provides a broad view angle. The second design is a motor low beam, which performs high contrast in the light pattern. Finally, we verify the validity of the designs with the prototypes and discuss the difference between the simulation and experiment.