本論文在提供蜜雪兒•克麗芙的天堂電話不通的一個閱讀。藉著分析其中記憶主體的曲折生活軌跡和無常的聚合,提出天堂電話不通,作為後殖民小說以及作為牙買加裔美國女作家的作品,如何處理記憶在反抗政治中所扮演的角色和所引起的作用。特別是記憶主體在言說記憶時刻的沈默無言,顯示記憶在反抗政治中解構的面相。此一課題正是今日頗受注意的知識界移民美國此一現象中,離散知識份子的關切。其中最力者如史匹娃,她提出現今美國大都會區的學術圈在重溯歷史賤民以及賤民聲音以強化反抗版圖的實踐中,反使賤民成為知識份子學術發言時得以僭用的意符,從而奪取了賤民的發言。史匹娃因而提出重溯賤民及賤民性是知識分子對於賤民的貼近,但同時也是對賤民的不可捕捉此一解構的面相。根據史匹娃的說法,閱讀天堂電話不通時,對於賤民記憶的重塑和敘事化應是值得追問的問題,而非視其為理所當然。 論文的第一章是導論。 論文的第二章在探討小說中克萊兒作為離散的知識份子的攔截實踐。重塑記憶是一個再現和言說的動作,因而記憶也是一個富含意識形態的場域。 論文的第三章藉由對克里思多夫作為小說中的一種賤民的一個閱讀,提出賤民作為可能的一個記憶主體,其記憶及主體型構在小說中的不可再現性。 論文第四章探討天堂電話不通中悲愴性的解構力道。小說中反抗主體和賤民主體的死亡和其死亡隨之而來記憶的傷逝,是記憶的悲愴性也同時是解構記憶的力道。 This thesis aims to offer a reading of Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven (1987). Through an analysis of the memory bearing subjects’ wandering life trajectories and their fated-to-be-departed-again encounters, it will bring up how NTH written by the Jamaican-born American writer has dealt with the role memory has played and what memory has effected in the politics of resistance. Particularly, the silences that the memory bearing subjects keep at the moment of speaking memory demonstrate the deconstructive aspect of memory in the politics of resistance. The representability of the subaltern is currently the diasporic intellectuals’ concern in the US, especially when the immigration of the intelligentsia to the US is a noticeable phenomenon by now. Gayatri Spivak is one of those diasporic intellectuals who powerfully bring up this issue. She points out that in their practices of retrieving the subalternity and subaltern voices in order to empower the resistance project, the intellectuals in the metropolitan academy appropriate the subaltern as a signifier for their own academic speaking, and thus wrestling the subaltern speech away from them. As opposed to this, Spivak has advanced that retrieving the subaltern is both a reaching and “un-grasping” of the subaltern. Following Spivak, the retrieving and narrativization of subaltern memory is a question worth pursuing rather than one that can be assumed in reading NTH. Chapter One is an introduction. Chapter Two discusses Clare’s intervention practices as a diasporic intellectual. Memory is a complex site fraught with ideologies as the re-construction of it is an act of representation and speaking. Chapter Three is a reading of Christopher as a subaltern in the novel. It will focus on how the subaltern might be a memory bearing subject but still whose memory and subalternity are not necessarily representable in NTH. Chapter Four is toward the deconstructive edge of the NTH’s pathos. The deaths of the resisting and subaltern subjects and the elusiveness of their memory are both constitutive of pathos and a deconstructive power of memory.