摘要: | 本研究從政策利害關係人角度,針對客語能力認證政策展開政策對話。首先運用問卷發放方式,以Burton政策行銷模式為分析架構,廣泛蒐集參與客語能力認證之考生對此政策之基本認知;承接量化研究結果分析,並採用政策之綜合分析與論證溝通,展開質化深度訪談及焦點座談。深度訪談分為政府組、專家學者組以及客家社團組;焦點團體則舉行兩場,其中A場以客語教師為主軸,B場則為通過客語能力認證之考生。 研究發現包括:(1)客語能力認證政策參與者之認知:政策配套措施以國家考試增用客語人才比例最高,且缺乏客語使用環境、沒有完善配套措施等因素皆會降低其考試意願;(2)政策目標執行之公正性與適當性:尚有教材、拼音、閱卷標準、學術承辦單位、資源排擠、就業市場缺乏、客語環境缺乏、客語支援教師等問題;(3)政策效能與效率:除提升客語教師就業之效能外,認證本身之效用並不顯著;(4)政策執行過程:現階段交流對象以行政院客委會為主要單位,再者,為各相關社團,第三,從網站獲取相關資訊;而未來所需交流對象主要為行政院客委會,再者為學校、教育部等;(5)政策綜合影響面向:未來尚面臨客家認同、缺乏客語相關就業市場、客語之年齡斷層、缺乏客語使用環境等挑戰。This study conducts a policy dialogue on Hakka language proficiency certification from a stakeholder perspective. First, it conducts a questionnaire survey on test takers’ perception of the policy based on Burton’s analytical framework of policy marketing model. Based on the results of quantitative analysis, research methods of comprehensive policy analysis, in-depth interview and focus groups are adopted. Interviewees are recruited from the public sector, professional fields, and Hakka clubs. There are two focus group interviews (A & B): Hakka teachers are the primary interviewees in the focus group interview A, while Hakka test takers are the primary interviewees in the focus group interview B. Results suggest that: (1) policy participants’ perception of Hakka language proficiency certification: the largest percent of policy support measures is to increase Hakka personnel through national examination; however, immature Hakka-speaking environment and inadequate support measures will decrease test takers’ willingness’ to take the test; (2) the legitimacy and appropriateness of policy goal: there are unsettled issues involving teaching materials, spelling, marking standards, academic sponsors, resource exclusion, marginal labor market, short of Hakka-speaking environment, and Hakka teachers; (3) policy efficacy and efficiency: except for improving the efficacy of Hakka teachers’ employment opportunities, the efficacy of certification is insignificant; (4) the process of policy execution: current subject of information exchange is still Council of Hakka Affairs, and the secondary subjects of information are Hakka clubs; besides these subjects of information, Hakka language learners obtain information from websites. In the future, the subjects of information exchange are Council of Hakka Affairs, schools, and Ministry of Education; (5) comprehensive policy influence: future changes include Hakka identities, lack of Hakka-oriented labor market, generational gap in Hakka-speaking population, and insufficient Hakka-speaking environment. |