工程技術顧問業屬專業密集之產業,其素質及經營環境將直接影響工程品質與安全,對國家整體發展具莫大影響。故各國無不全力扶植工程顧問服務業之發展。有鑒於加入WTO後,工程技術顧問業應以進軍海外市場為目標,更顧及目前工程技術顧問業趨於中小企業之走向,故93年11月行政院決議將之列為重要輔導對象。本研究之目的為:(1)深入了解現今工程顧問業之發展時所遭遇之窒礙,用以制定此產業專屬之優惠貸款制度,輔助解決目前工程技術顧問業資金需求之問題。(2)針對現有輔導發展之相關法規進行研究,依工程顧問業發展現狀,提出增修之建議方案。此外,接續「建立金融體系與工程顧問業合作機制」之研究案,此計劃所提出專款專用制度與應收讓款讓售制度對工程技術顧問而言為良好融資工具。故本研究持續針對此兩方式深入研究其運作模式,期能制定適用於此產業制式之契約範本,供金融機構參考。 The engineering consulting market under the impact of entering World Trade Organization (WTO) and high quality claimed by users is competitive and experience-oriented. The Executive Yuan has initiated the promotion acts to the engineering consulting market based on the national policy and market competition. This study is to conduct a preliminary study that explores difficulties and investigates related regulations to provide suggestions for legislation. Comprehensive literature review and a broad interview with five symposiums are carried out to approach and screen the objectives. Meanwhile two alternatives developed to solve bank finance difficulties are triangle contracting and factoring. These contribute that stabilization of working capital and improvement of credit rating to engineering consulting firms to enhance corporate finance are expected. 研究期間:9505 ~ 9511