毫無疑問,90年代的台灣,是一個社區的時代,不僅許多的自發性社區團體迸發出來,展現出前所有未有的活力,還有許多的社會團體也開始致力於社區的組織。而在這些對社區發展的不同力量中,最引人注目的便是國家社區政策即所謂「社區總體營造」的提出。 對於如此的重大政策,它雖然能為過去的社區發展帶來一些優點,包括對於既有社區概念的突破;去除政府各項規定與指導,強調社區的自發與自主;鼓勵每個社區的獨特性,不再硬性規定工作項目;突破了過去以社政單位為主體的社區發展模式。但是,同樣的社區總體營造也出現了一些主要問題,包括(1)社區總體營造的定義不清,並由於(1)而導致(2)社區成員確認的模糊不清及(3)制定政策過程中社區參與的闕如及(4)社區政策的不穩定。同時,(5)如何解決社區成員利益衝突的問題。 本文研究的目的就是要以商業倫理之進路,包括涉利者理論(stakeholder theory)與整合社會契約理論(integrative social contract theory)來回應社區總體營造之問題,並利用經商業倫理重組過之社區總體營造概念來重新論述社區發展應有之方向與內容。本文利用一些實際案例來展示此一重組過概念之使用。 The integrative development of community has being one of the most important national policies for many years. Despite it has brought many advantages which includes leading the concept of community to a new frontier, emphasizing the autonomy of community and encouraging each community to develop its own characteristic to the people, but it still has some disadvantages which includes (1)the obscurity of the definition of the integrative development of community, (2) the difficulty of identifying who are the members of a community, (3)lacking of support from the community people,(4) the unstable policy of community development, and the difficulty of solving the conflict among the community members. So in the thesis, I’m trying to solve those problems by using the stakeholder theory and integrative social contract theory (ISCT) with some case studies.