台灣的地震有百分之七十以上發生在台灣的海域,以現有台灣島上的地震站做為海域的地震觀測顯然能力不足,借重國外經驗建設海底電纜觀測系統可以彌補陸上觀測站的不足。地震及海嘯等自然災害的海陸完整觀測網建置,可以作為有效預警以達到降低人民財產和生命的損失。台灣東部海域海底觀測系統建置已有初步評估,今年度預計作台灣東部海域海底電纜觀測系統建置的細部規劃,以期未來能有效近距離獲得較正確的海域地震訊息,提供即時的預警效果,減少地震及海嘯等自然災害的破壞或人員傷亡。 Over 70 percents of the earthquakes in Taiwan occurred at the offshore area. Based on the present observation network, the observation and monitoring of those earthquakes are apparently insufficient. Taking advantage of foreign experience of building submarine cable observatories is helpful for constructing a complete observation network. A complete observation network for natural hazard can efficiently provide early warning to mitigate damage or lose of life from natural disaster. The evaluation of constructing an observation system by using submarine cables has been conducted last year. This year we expect to plan the configuration of the submaring cable observation systems off eastern Twiwan. The major purpose of this project is to plan in detail a submarine observation system by using submarine cable off eastern Taiwan and to propose a feasible construction procedure to improve our ability to cope with the emergency from earthquake, tsunami and volcanic hazards. 研究期間:9501 ~ 9512