本計畫延續94年衛星災害監測及預警機制建立(1/2)計畫,應用衛星遙測影像進行90-95年石門水庫、頭前溪、大甲溪、高屏溪上源集水區裸露崩塌地判釋,並藉由土壤流失公式分析集水區坡面產砂及土壤流失估算,此外,應用雷達差分干涉技術分析流域河床之高程變化,以提供水利署相關單位對於颱風期間原水濁度提高可能性之預警應用。 This project, a follow-up of [Disaster Monitoring Using Satellite Imagery (1/2), 2004-2005], is intent to predict watershed yields and identify the major sediment sources using satellite images and GIS techniques. Deji Reservoir, Shihmen Reservoir, Touchien Creek, and Kaoping Creek will be included as case study. Optical satellite images, specifically those of SPOT series and Formosat2, will be used to identify landslide area from 2001 through 2006. To estimate erosion and the mechanism of sediment transport, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Soil Delivery Ratio (SDR) will be used in the various parts of a watershed. Another part of the research is to detect and measure changes on the surface of the riverbank due to sediment deposition, satellite data from multiple tracks and the technique of differential Interferometry will be applied in the project. 研究期間:9504 ~ 9512