合成孔徑雷達差分干涉測量法利用雷達回波的相位資訊來偵測地表,是一項精準有效的地殼變形測量方法。這項方法具有許多優點,例如它不必到達實地即可施測、受雨霧影響較小、具全天候資料收集之能力、且能快速提供大範圍的地表資訊。本計畫針對台灣地區,以歐洲太空總署發射之ERS-1 及ERS-2 衛星所擷取之雷達影像為主要資料來源,配合其他衛星影像為輔助,篩選出衛星軌道基線差較小的影像配對,進行影像差分干涉合成處理。計畫預計為期三年,本年度為計畫執行第三年,測量工作將涵蓋台灣主要活動斷層地區,包括山腳斷層、車籠埔斷層、彰化斷層、梅山斷層、木屐寮斷層、六甲斷層、新化斷層、後甲里斷層、旗山斷層、利吉斷層等。本計畫預期可提供台灣活動斷層附近地區30幅雷達影像、同調性影像、差分干涉圖像、及地表位移圖。本年度計劃進行至今已歷時近半年,完成進度大約百分之五十。除差分干涉圖之製作數目已達預期標準,本計劃更根據測量結果,進一步探討受測區域的活動變形特徵與機制。 Radar interferometry is a technique for extracting surface information of the Earth by using the phase content of the radar signal as an additional information source derived from the complex radar data. The use of DInSAR (Differential interferometric SAR) for monitoring earth deformation process has received considerable attention because of its great potential for mapping the movement associated with large earthquakes. This project aims at applying the DInSAR technique to determine the crustal deformation of the Taiwan area. The SAR images used in this study are principally acquired by the satellites ERS1 and ERS2. The time to go through this project is taken into account as three years. This year is the third year for this project; our main target will be focused on the active fault areas of Taiwan, including the Shanjiao fault, Hukou fault, Chelunpu fault, Changhua fault, Meishan fault, Houchiali fault, Milun fault and Lichi fault areas. It is anticipated to process at least 30 interferograms in this year. Our observation based on DInSAR in this area could improve our knowledge on styles and amount of the crustal deformation. The working period of this project is eleven month (from February 2006 to December 2006), at present, 50% of this expected work has been carried out. This study could improve our knowledge on styles and amount of the crustal deformation. 研究期間:9501 ~ 9512