摘要 本文的目的有三:(1)指出船山學的精神所在,(2)說明「重氣」的船山如何透過對「氣論」的建構來闡發其哲學思想,(3)對船山學給予一合理的定位。 基於以上目的,本文研究船山,主要乃集中在對船山「氣論」思想之內容與特色的詮釋和闡明,進而指出構成船山學的主要精神乃表現在天人之學和歷史之學這兩個層面。我們認為,船山「重氣」主要在於強調「具體落實」之意涵,此即超越的形上天理如何具體落實於現實之形色器物上,同時在形色器物上具體以實現自己、彰顯自己。至於,由船山「氣論」以論其在天人、歷史之學上的開展,則在於藉此兩個面向之內容的描述和說明來豁醒船山之哲學精神之所在。因為,我們認為,船山遍注群經,無非冀求站在儒學之立場,以點醒人之真實生命的本質所在,並同時開啟人的真實理想,進而豁醒人的歷史文化意識。 最後,本文透過對船山文本的解讀,證成船山的「重氣」並不等於「氣本論」,其「氣論」是一體用不二、理氣相即的儒家式思維。 ------Abstract------ The aim of this thesis is threefold. First, to pinpoint Wang Fu-chih’s basic philosophical position. Second, to clarify Wang’s doctrine of ch’i. Third, to determine the topos of Wang’s philosophy. As is well-known, Wang’s doctrine of ch’i occupies a central position in his philosophy. This thesis will work out its significance from the standpoint of cosmology and philosophy of history. In general, it will argue that ch’i in Wang’s sense signifies a principle of concrete realization. On the cosmological level, this principle contributes to the explanation of the concretization of the Heavenly prinicples into the human world. On the level of historical development, it helps to understand why there is a relation of inseparableness between events and prinicples. This thesis, however, rejects any interpretation of Wang’s doctrine of ch’i as a metaphysics of ch’i only.