本計畫涵蓋三年研究期,我們期望設計製作一個智慧型的人型雙足機器人,此機器人包含了頭、兩隻手、兩隻腳及身軀。第一年我們將設計、組裝或製作機器人下半身身軀機構,規劃各種動作路徑,完成基本的平衡、前進、後退左右轉向、上下坡及簡單舞步等行動控制。第二年我們將設計、組裝或製作機器人上半身身軀機構,加諸上一年度製作完成的機器人,完成全人型新機構設計、製作,與馬達自由度配置,並裝上感測器於機器人適當位置上,讓機器人能有回饋、與修正智慧,完成如前進、後退及左右轉向、上下坡及稍複雜舞步、上下樓梯及跌倒、站立等動作。第三年將前兩年的成果改成 stand alone 的配置,以DSP作為控制中樞,完成軟、硬體的撰寫及製作。機器人整個機構完成,整合測試成功,具備行走能力與環境反應能力,有自我修正協調能力。 This project includes the robot study, design and implementation for three years. This robot is a human-like biped robot which has a head, a pair of hands, a body and a pair of feet. In the first year study, we design and implement the lower-half body of the robot. We design some simple motion trajectories for the robot and control the robot to achieve the basic motions such as balance, forward, backward, turn around, climbing and simple dancing etc. The whole robot will be composed of an upper-half body which is designed and implemented in the second year and the lower-half body implemented in the first year. Further, we will add some adequate sensors to the robot such that the robot has feedback and adjusting ability to achieve some complex motions, such as forward and backward, turn around in the rugged ground, up and down the stair step, and climbing and complex dancing. Further, the robot can stand up when it falls down. In the third year study, we try to achieve and complete a 「stand alone」 robot. The control center 「computer」 will be replaced by a 「DSP board」. All software and hardware on the stand alone robot will be modified. All test and experiments for the robot will be done and examined such that the robot is indeed an intelligent biped robot which is robust and adaptive to the environment. 研究期間:9508 ~ 9607