低放射性廢棄物最終處置時須提供適當的屏蔽防護,使其與人類生活環境長期隔離。採用混凝土為屏蔽材料製作處置場工程障壁,具有耐久性並可增進低放廢棄物長期貯存的結構完整性,為國內低放射性廢棄物最終處置可能採取方式之一。針對混凝土工程障壁的功能評估,以服務期間內可能產生的劣化(degradation)現象最為重要。由於最終處置時對混凝土所要求之服務年限超過目前使用的經驗,因此依現有資料所建立之預估經驗模式將應用於現有資料範圍以外之服務年限推估,此種外插(extrapolation) 方式,必須充分考量混凝土在最終處置環境中可能發生的各種劣化機制,並據以建立可同時考量多種劣化現象的分析模型。針對此一需求,本研究擬發展混凝土工程障壁之服務年限預估模式,首先針對影響混凝土劣化行為的參數進行敏感度分析,以掌握工程障壁劣化評估之主要因子,同時建立混凝土材料劣化參數之試驗方法及程序,以規範取得材料劣化參數之合理機制,供未來低放射性廢棄物最終處置場混凝土障壁工程設計時,審查及評估之依據。 The final disposal of low-level radioactive wastes requires that the wastes be isolated from human biosphere for a very long period. The use of concrete in the construction of engineering barrier improves the structural integrity and material durability for long-term disposal. Hence, concrete barrier is very likely to be adopted by TaiPower. To fulfill the intended function of barrier material, the degradation mechanism is of utmost importance. The concrete barrier for containment of low-level wastes is expected to perform well for over 300 years. However, the use of modern concrete has lasted for only about 150 years. This implies that the empirical prediction on service life of concrete needs to be extrapolated for such applications. In addition, the synergism for multiple degradation processes must be taken into account for the prediction of service life. This study aims for developing prediction model for service life of concrete barrier in the low-level wastes disposal site. Also, design parameters incorporating the influences of varying degradation processes will be developed for concrete barrier. Results of the study would be used for the design and performance evaluation of concrete container for the disposal of low-level radioactive wastes. ;研究期間:9601 ~ 9612