勞資關係的問題,雖然不似其它經濟與社會問題有許多因素錯綜其中,而單純只是人與人之間的問題,但與國家中的政治、經濟、社會都有密不可分的關連。若是處理不當,不但會造成勞資雙方的矛盾與對立,產生勞資糾紛,勞資糾紛嚴重者甚至會對整個經濟面與社會面都會產生負面的影響。爲了找尋和諧的勞資關係相處之道,對於勞資關係的發展歷史、勞資關係的架構、現實經濟社會環境對勞資關係所帶來的衝擊必須有所了解。 有和諧的勞資關係,勞資雙方才能避免因摩擦而產生的抗爭,將雙方的抗爭關係轉換成合作,也才能兼顧生產力之提昇與社會利益分配之公正性。因此,審慎處理勞資糾紛,不僅是政府機關所應重視的,勞資雙方也都必須加強了解溝通,以互信互諒的心態,建立和諧的勞資關係。 勞資關係的涵蓋範圍很廣,但卻很少有採用商業倫理學的進路來探討有關於性別歧視、職業隱私權、大量資遣與勞動契約爭議等勞資不平等與勞資糾紛的問題。因此,本文將以勞資關係的商業倫理面為主軸,試圖應用商業倫理規範來分析與回應勞資問題,期能找到一個合理的答案。 Labor-management relations problem which involves problem with people appears to be less complicated compared to a nation’s social and economic problems, but it still possesses a significant correlation with the nation’s politics, economy and society. If the problem is not dealt with properly, it results in conflicts between both labor and management, in turn causing industrial disputes. Serious industrial disputes can even negatively impact the economy and society as a whole. In order to discover a way of harmonizing labor-management relations, one must fully understand the history, development, and framework of labor-management relations as well as the current socio-economic climate. If labor-management relations are harmonized, both parties can avoid the unnecessary conflicts thus being able to work more closely together to achieve better productivity and equity in the distribution of social resources. Therefore, not only that the government should focus on the management of industrial disputes, both labor and management should try to improve their communications based on the element of trust to establish harmonized labor-management relations. The subject of labor-management relations is very broad and seldom has the problems of labor-management inequality and industrial dispute, which encompasses sexual discrimination, workplace privacy, redundancy at massive scale, and redundancy payment dispute being examined under the framework of business ethics theory. For that reason, this article will focus on the business ethics angle of labor-management relations, and attempts to utilize the business ethical norms in analyzing and reacting to the problems in labor-management relations in an aim to find a valid solution.