本研究的重點為模擬境外排放汙染物之長程傳輸對我國空氣汙染之影響。工作內容主要為:1. 模擬亞洲地區沙塵對我國空氣品質之影響; 2. 模擬亞洲地區於特定季節空氣汙染物傳輸對我國空氣品質之影響。我們將使用氣象與化學偶合的WRFCHEM 線上模式,離線(非即時氣象與化學偶合)的TAQM 模式進行東亞和我國空氣汙染的模擬。模擬所需的邊界條件將由IMS 全球大氣化學模式提供,我們將使用TRACE-P 東亞地區排放估計資料,配合中興工程公司所建置的最新台灣地區汙染物排放估計值為汙染物的排放資料。對於光化事件的模擬,我們亦將使用化學箱型模式以探討局部地區光化過程對臭氧濃度極端事件的貢獻。在汙染物的傳輸方面,我們將使用IMS-Lagrangian 模式和 WRF-Lagrangian 模式探討跨國與跨空品區間的汙染物傳送影響。 The aim of this project is to model impacts of long-range transported pollutants to air pollution over Taiwan. There are two main areas of work: 1. modeling long-range transport of Asian dust storms and their impact on air pollution over Taiwan; 2. modeling long-range transport of other pollutants to Taiwan and their seasonal impacts on air pollution over Taiwan. We will use a coupled meteorology-chemistry model WRFCHEM and an off-line model TAQM for conducting air pollution simulation over Taiwan and East Asia. These models will use boundary conditions provided by the IMS global chemistry transport model, and emission data set from the TRACE-P emission inventory and Taiwan local emission estimate. We will also use chemistry box model to study extreme ozone episodes. In addition, the IMS-Lagrangian model and the WRF-Lagrangian model will be used to study cross-boundary long-range transport of pollutants in East Asia regions and inside Taiwan. 研究期間:9603 ~ 9612