地震的起始波相,是否隱含其將形成地震的大小,近十年來有不同的論點。如果震波的起始波相有助於決定地震的大小,對於地震預警,將會有重大的幫助。利年以來,對於此方向的研究議題,多以研究地表測站的紀錄為主,因此資料品質深受站址及雜訊的影響,且無法分析微小地震。台灣車籠埔深鑽(TCDP)在斷層帶上下設置7-level地震儀,深度為地下850~1300公尺。此井下地震儀紀錄可紀錄極微小地震,且低雜訊,將可有效的分析,小地震至大地震的起始波相特性。本計畫將以下列方向進行,達到研究目的: 1.蒐集井下地震儀地震資料 2.分析其紀錄最小地震的能力 3.有效去除雜訊以分析小地震及大地震起始波形的特性。預期將歸納多年井下地震儀資料,分析小地震至大地震的波形特性,分析其特性以助於地震預警之可能性評估。 Recent study in the past decay has the debate on the similarity of initial phases of small to large earthquakes. The investigations of the initial phase of small to large events provide the important information on earthquake nucleation. Thus, it also provides the possibility on earthquake warning for identification of large earthquake upon the initial phases. The 1.3 km 7-level TCDP borehole provides the best opportunity to explore this topic. The deep seating borehole has the capability to record the earthquake magnitude to 0.5 with mush less contamination from attenuation. This project will be carried on the followings for the data collection, 1.Data compilation from the 1.3km 7-level TCDP borehole seismometers. 2.Capability of detecting smallest events 3.Reducing the influence of the noise. After this compilation, we will be able to examine the initial phases of small to large repeating earthquakes to discuss the similarity of the phases and the possible potential for earthquake earning. 研究期間:9601 ~ 9612