中央大學天文研究所規劃於96 年8 月27 日至31 日,於國立中央大學舉辦第九屆天文研習營。本屆天文營的主題是「天文中的暫現現象」,這個主題可配合正在進行中之「泛星計畫」與「二米望遠鏡興建計畫」,並培育未來執行計畫之研究人才。本次活動全長五天四夜,邀請國內十位講員,再加上研究生助教及學員等,總人數為75 人。營隊經費預估為新台幣276,400 元,扣除學員繳費(支付自己食宿)150,000 元,我們希望能向國科會科教處申請約新台幣126,400 元的補助。 The Institute of Astronomy at the National Central University plans to hold the 9th Astronomy Summer Camp at National Central University, from 2007 August 27th to the 31st . The theme of the camp this year is 「Transient Phenomena in Astronomy」, which matches the on-going main astronomy project, such as Pan-STARRS and Lulin two meter optical/infrared telescope project. The other purpose for this activity is to train the possible researchers for these projects in future. The activity lasts for 5 days and 4 nights. We invite 10 faculty members from the Academia Sinica, National Tsing Hua University and National Central University as the camp speakers. There will be observing instructors and graduate student staff for the camp. The total number of people will be 75. The overall cost of this camp will be NT$276,400. The students will pay NT$3,000 each for their own food and lodging, which amounts to NT$150,000. We thus apply for support from NSC for the amount of NT$126,400. 研究期間:9608 ~ 9707